Therapists in Huntington Beach, CA and Nearby Locations

Find a therapist in Huntington Beach, California that meets your needs. Browse our comprehensive list of affordable and licensed therapists in Huntington Beach, to find a professional specializing in counseling people with stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, grief, and more.

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Teletherapy for Clients In:


Hi! I am so happy you are here and I am even more excited to work with you. Our agency offers affordable telehealth therapy. We are dedicated to decreasing depression, anxiety, self esteem, trauma, and relationship issues while increasing happiness,...
In-Person Sessions:

Los Angeles, California

Teletherapy for Clients In:


I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with over six years of experience in the Substance Abuse and Mental Health field. Since earning my license in 2019, I’ve focused on helping individuals navigate a wide range of challenges. I began my...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


Are you unsatisfied with one or more areas of your life? I partner with my clients to empower them to make the changes necessary to bring their realities in line with the lives they truly want. In this way, I collaborate with each individual,...
In-Person Sessions:

Burbank, California

Teletherapy for Clients In:

California, South Carolina

Jeannette York specializes in couples, families, adult siblings, and music bands. Relationships often define a person's happiness and contentment throughout life. Life feels better when we communicate well, feel loved, and offer love that is...
Teletherapy for Clients In:

California, Texas

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf"-Jon Kabat Zinn- In a time where we are hit with continuous stimuli, the waves of change seem to be moving faster than ever. Whether struggling with your health, the health of a loved one,...
Laura Lee Townsend
Teletherapy for Clients In:


YOU JUST WANT TO FEEL BETTER. Trauma has turned you into someone you don’t even recognize. You’re constantly on edge and can’t sleep. If sleep does come, it’s often restless and filled with nightmares. You lash out at the people you love...
In-Person Sessions:

Encinitas, California

I am Crystal Duncan, LCSW, and my mission is to be at peace with myself, my work and my social and personal relationships.  I strive to live a wholehearted authentic life and I believe it is my purpose to help others find their authentic self and...
Lisa Hanes
In-Person Sessions:

Santa Monica, California

Teletherapy for Clients In:


I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Registered Nurse and Certified Nurse Midwife. I am currently working as a psychotherapist, specializing in addressing life transitions, relationship challenges and decisions related to becoming a couple...
In-Person Sessions:

Santa Monica, California

Teletherapy for Clients In:


Team of therapists in Los Angeles, with Brooke as the Director.
Teletherapy for Clients In:


Dr. Nightingale has been helping adults, couples, teens & children overcome anxiety & depression for over 30 yrs. Listen to her approach at: Amazon carries her self-help books for parents, couples & children. She's...
In-Person Sessions:


Teletherapy for Clients In:

California, Florida

Do you want a deeper sense of connection or a greater sense of purpose in life? You may be dealing with stress, fear, marriage issues, dating difficulties, confusion, life transitions, low self worth, career direction, or something else impacting...
Christine Luu
Teletherapy for Clients In:


Christine is passionate about mental health because she has struggled with mental health issues and depression herself. She could feel and understand that it is something very difficult to live with daily without support. As an Asian American...
Ron Hall
In-Person Sessions:

San Dimas, California

Want a very experienced Christian Therapist that has been in the field for 20 plus years? And one that is also a Trauma Treatment Specialist, Pastor, and a Board Certified Professional Christian Counselor? I am here to serve you in whatever way I...
Anne Lee
In-Person Sessions:

Lake Forest, California

Teletherapy for Clients In:


Anne began her career as a Registered Dietitian over 25 years ago where she provided nutrition support and counseling to individuals with major health problems. She eventually changed her focus to mental health and wellness at Capistrano by the Sea...
Nathalie Nann
M.Sc. MFT Certified CTS
In-Person Sessions:

Los Angeles, California

How would your life change if you started therapy today? How would it look like if you didn’t? By looking at my profile you have taken the first step towards overall health and personal development. I understand that everyone enters therapy at a...
Tara Makhani
Teletherapy for Clients In:


Hello, My name is Tara and I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California. I attended the University of California, Irvine (UCI) for my undergraduate degree in Psychology and Social Behavior and the University of Southern California...
In-Person Sessions:

Newport Beach, California

Teletherapy for Clients In:


So you have a new baby. And it's nothing like you thought it would be. The sleepless nights, the frustrations around breastfeeding, and the general feeling of loss of control are just getting to you. You haven't showered in days, don't feel like...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


Hope, Healing, Resolution The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Haven’t we all wondered at some point, “What went wrong…Why me…How on Earth did I get here?” A difficult child or teen, a sick loved...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


A few years ago, I left the money, the unlimited expense account and the world that was New York City corporate advertising. I was done helping brands, done supporting pocketbooks. ​I wanted to help others in a different and more personal way -...
Erica Ives
LMFT, LMFT-Supervisor
In-Person Sessions:

Santa Monica, California

Teletherapy for Clients In:


Erica Ives has been practicing as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT# 34566) since 1997 and specializes in the treatment of eating disorders, trauma, and addiction. Erica is also currently working on her dissertation for her Doctoral...
Teletherapy for Clients In:

California, Minnesota

I specialize in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for anxiety and OCD, including Pure O. I am passionate about the specialized form of CBT that I practice because it offers relief to patients who have been in other types of therapy for years...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


ilona Varo is a Hungarian born psychotherapist practicing in Los Angeles. Her background in the beauty/entertainment industry as well the healing arts informs her unique, curious, mindful and client-centered approach. ilona has an extensive...
Jan Covyeau
In-Person Sessions:

Irvine, California

Teletherapy for Clients In:


Do you find the relationships in your life lacking connection? Relationships can make life worth living or they can make your life challenging. Whether it is a marriage that isn't going well, a parent/child relationship that never seems to work or...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


My name is Jaclyn Yuki Schlanger, and I am a Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist working for a private practice in Irvine, California. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, and am of half Asian and half European American heritage....

Finding Professional Therapists in Huntington Beach, CA

Choosing a therapist, counselor, or psychologist in Huntington Beach can be time-consuming and challenging. When selecting the right mental health professional for your needs, several considerations can help you make a better, more informed decision.

Therapist Specialties

If all you need is the support of a professional to work through some minor issues, then you can choose a therapist without being particular about their areas of expertise. But if you need help with a specific mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, addiction, or eating disorders, or if you’re looking for relationship or family counseling, then you should ideally find a Huntington Beach therapist specializing in these areas.

If you’re looking for a therapist in Huntington Beach for your young child or teenager, you should seek a professional qualified to work with those age groups.

Treatment Modalities

Most therapists prefer specific treatment approaches with their patients over others. These can include cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and exposure therapy, to name a few.

Some patients research these treatment options online or consult with friends and decide which one they need. While you should ideally let the professional decide on the right modality for your treatment, if you find many suitable therapists in Huntington Beach from which to choose, you can narrow down the list based on the treatment modalities you prefer.

Personal Characteristics of the Therapist

You may prefer to work with a therapist in Huntington Beach who speaks a second language that you speak, shares your religious beliefs, or is of a certain gender, race, or ethnicity. Finding a therapist who shares your values or personal experiences may help you open up more quickly and have better chemistry with them.

Session Types

If you need an in-person, face-to-face therapy experience, you’ll want a professional counselor in Huntington Beach who sees clients in an office. Alternatively, should you prefer to work with someone who offers teletherapy, plenty of therapists can provide remote sessions.

If you are not satisfied with the selection of therapists in Huntington Beach, you may want to consider teletherapy even if it’s not your first choice, as it will dramatically increase the pool of potential therapists who may legally work with you.

Getting Started with a Therapist in Huntington Beach, California

Our therapist directory includes filters to help you find therapists in Huntington Beach, California based on your search criteria, including those listed above. The therapists listed here are licensed professionals who work with clients in Huntington Beach. They are subject to all applicable confidentiality regulations for mental health professionals and can be reached using the contact information they’ve provided on their profiles.