Therapists in Orem, UT and Nearby Locations
Find a therapist in Orem, Utah that meets your needs. Browse our comprehensive list of affordable and licensed therapists in Orem, to find a professional specializing in counseling people with stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, grief, and more.
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Mental Health in Orem, Utah
Orem, Utah, is home to almost 100,000 people, almost evenly split between male and female. The median age in the area is just over 26 years old, lower than the average in Utah of 30 years. The median income is slightly lower than the rest of the state at $59,776. The city is made up of a small percentage of American Indians and Pacific Islanders, with larger populations of Caucasian and Hispanic citizens.
The cost of living in Orem, Utah, is slightly less than the national average at 86.4. Home sales have been on an upswing since 2009 and a large percentage of the population have a high school diploma or higher, at almost 93%. Close to 60% of the population is married while the divorce rate is only at 7%.
While life in Orem, Utah, seems to be positive on the outside, the city has its fair share of crime in the form of rape, robbery, assault, and burglaries. There are also fewer police officers per resident in Orem compared to the rest of the state.
Because of the proximity to the Salt Lake Valley and the yearly inversion and heavy pollution, the air quality in Orem, Utah is poor compared to the rest of the country. This can lead to heavy depression through the winter months, also known as seasonal affective disorder, common in women, people aged 15-55, and those who live in an area with shorter daylight hours such as Orem.
In the United States, there is a rate of 19.3% of self-reported lifetime depression, while Utah cities come in significantly higher at 22.5%. Women in Utah are more likely to have depression diagnosed by a doctor, along with white adults.
High Suicide Rates in Orem, Utah
Every year, over 4500 Utahans try to commit suicide and an average of 578 succeed. This creates a major public health issue in Utah. On average, 12 Utahans are treated each day for suicide attempts while two die on average every day. Utah males are more likely to commit suicide, and most emergency department visits for suicide are caused by job problems, criminal problems, school problems, and intimate partner problems.
For youth ages 10-17, suicide is the leading cause of death in Utah. This makes the national average for the state more than 60% above the average in the rest of the United States. Experts believe religion, LGBTQ issues, and technology factor into the high suicide rates in Utah.
Mental Health Resources in Orem, Utah
The state has 20 suicide crisis hotlines that receive almost 2,000 chats and tips per month. In 2018, the legislative session required the local schools to increase funding for suicide prevention programs to $1,000 per student. This is in a state that seriously lacks access to mental health care with one counselor available for every 2,333 students.
Mental health problems are not limited to any demographic, religion, ethnicity, or gender. America loses $193 billion in earnings each year because of mental illnesses, highlighting the fact that it is important to deal with mental health problems early. Common problems that affect the people of Orem, Utah include:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Suicide
- Drug addiction, specifically opioids
Professionals encourage family members to watch for signs of dramatic mood changes, withdrawal from family and friends, feelings of hopelessness, an obsession with death or dying, unusual anger or rage, and anxious or agitated feelings. These may all be signs of an individual who needs help fighting a mental illness.
The Challenge of Finding a Suitable Therapist in Orem, Utah
Despite efforts by local government and health professionals, the reality is that Orem and the rest of the state of Utah seriously lack the mental health resources needed to treat conditions that can quickly become dangerous. Many who require treatment find themselves waiting 6-8 weeks for an appointment with a specialist or therapist.