Therapists in Buffalo Grove, IL and Nearby Locations

Find a therapist in Buffalo Grove, Illinois that meets your needs. Browse our comprehensive list of affordable and licensed therapists in Buffalo Grove to find a professional specializing in counseling people with stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, grief, and more.

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In-Person Sessions:

Lombard, Illinois

Teletherapy for Clients In:


Open for new clients aged 12-25! I'm all about helping youth and young adults who've been through tough times or faced stressful situations. I'm here to be their voice and provide exceptional care. I truly believe that getting help early on is the...
In-Person Sessions:

Oak Park, Illinois

Teletherapy for Clients In:


My life's work is helping clients achieve a better sense of self and happiness...more recently I've recognized that without good mental health providers finding this balance in life can be more difficult and stressful. However, through therapy our...
In-Person Sessions:

Chicago, Illinois

Teletherapy for Clients In:


I'm Liam, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the Logan Square neighborhood of Chicago where I offer individual therapy appointments. I primarily use the methods of Strengths Based, Client-Driven, and Person-Centered talk therapy. I believe that...
In-Person Sessions:

Chicago, Illinois

Teletherapy for Clients In:


I was drawn to social work and therapeutic practice through both a commitment to social justice and a genuine curiosity for the stories and narratives of others. I grew up listening to my grandparents recount their early lives, often spending hours...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


Are you familiar with the saying, “Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows”? As much as we wish it weren’t, it is true! Life isn’t always comfortable and happy. Sometimes we are faced with loss, pain, sadness, and worry. Life can sometimes...
In-Person Sessions:

Oak Park, Illinois

Teletherapy for Clients In:


I have been working in the mental health field for over a decade with a diverse array of clients: adults, adolescents, children, families, couples, groups, foster care, substance abuse, mental illness and more. My office is conveniently located near...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


I’ll help you use your strengths to meet your goals. I truly enjoy learning about and working with all of my clients. We work together to build a strong therapeutic partnership that is holistic, strength-based, person-centered and considers...
In-Person Sessions:

Bartlett, Illinois

Teletherapy for Clients In:


I believe that each of us is confronted with things that are devastating, painful, and overwhelming at different times in our lives. It is at these times we are called to find the courage that lies within us, to face whatever the difficulties are,...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


Hi, my name is Erica Sokol, LCPC, clinical therapist with Forward Emotion. I graduated from Benedictine Unversity, earning a Masters’s degree in Clinical Psychology. Working with a wide range of concerns and age groups, I have learned, individuals...
In-Person Sessions:

Huntley, Illinois

Teletherapy for Clients In:


I provide transformative mental health care for adults in Huntley and across Illinois, specializing in Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). These therapies are known for their effectiveness...
Carroll Cradock
Ph.D Psychology
In-Person Sessions:

Chicago, Illinois

Teletherapy for Clients In:


Whether you’re an adult, adolescent, or child, everyone has the same goal: to navigate through life’s obstacles to a better life. You can feel sure that Dr. Carroll Cradock’s counseling services are not only individualized and cutting edge,...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


Matthew believes in building a strong therapeutic relationship in which clients come to appreciate the complexity and nuance in their lives as well as their own innate ability to heal from pain and dysfunction. Matthew views the role of the...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


I am a bilingual (English/Spanish) and bicultural licensed clinical social worker. I received a Masters Degree in Social Work from University of Illinois at Chicago and an undergraduate degree in Psychology from Loyola University Chicago. I value...
Kreszentia Snyder
In-Person Sessions:

Chicago, Illinois

Teletherapy for Clients In:


We all want the everyday person we can relate and connect too. Therapy in about being crazy but having a space that belongs to you and is never threatened. I bring that space to you. I fully align with LGBTQIA+, my black and brown people, and those...
In-Person Sessions:

Chicago, Illinois

I’ve been working in this field since 2005. As both a therapist and a therapy client myself, I know how important it is to work with a counselor who is down to earth and easy to talk to. Your sense of trust in me is essential in order for you to...
Dyanne Bresler
In-Person Sessions:

Park Ridge, Illinois

Teletherapy for Clients In:


"No one comes to adulthood totally unscathed by the experience of growing up" is one of my favorite sayings, and I think a task I often encounter in therapy is to help others discard some of the rules and beliefs formed when they were growing up,...
In-Person Sessions:

Naperville, Illinois

Joe is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who enjoys collaborating with children, adolescents, adults, couples and families. Having worked closely with Veterans, families experiencing crisis, and individuals managing severe and persistent mental...
In-Person Sessions:

Elgin, Illinois

Teletherapy for Clients In:


I love helping people live their best life. I can help you figure out what your best life means to you. It is easy to get caught up in self-doubt. It is easy to spend a lot of time comparing ourselves to others and believe we are lacking. Everyone...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


With a special interest in the LGBTQ community, I help clients manage anxiety, depression, and life transitions. Members of the LGBTQ community face unique challenges and bring amazing strengths, and it's my privilege to work with these clients....
Ashley Nolan
Teletherapy for Clients In:


My name is Ashley Nolan and I have an online therapy practice, Present Space for Illinois residents. I am wired to speak truth in a loving and safe way. I invite you to join me in Present Space and experience new ways of relating to your thoughts...
In-Person Sessions:

Chicago, Illinois

Teletherapy for Clients In:


I believe in using an integrative and collaborative approach to help young professionals and adults overcome excessive worry, feeling overwhelmed, hopelessness, and a lack of motivation in order to accomplish their full potential. Through our work...
Malory Dahl
In-Person Sessions:

Chicago, Illinois

Teletherapy for Clients In:


I completed my Masters of Arts in Counseling, Specializing in Forensic Psychology, from Adler University and have a variety of clinical experiences that have crystallized a passion for providing personalized mental health services to a diverse...
Sonja Seglin
In-Person Sessions:

Chicago, Illinois

You know you're able to accomplish more, get farther, achieve your dreams. There's just something standing in the way, and being in that situation makes you feel horrible and overwhelmed. I can help you get past that "something." I'm trained in...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


Colleen is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who enjoys collaborating with children, adolescents, adults, couples and families in order to help them make changes that will allow them to find balance, and an enhanced quality of life. Having worked...

Finding Mental Health Professionals in Buffalo Grove, IL

Seeking out a therapist in Buffalo Grove can be time-consuming and challenging. When beginning your search, there are a few considerations to keep in mind that will help guide you to a better decision.

Therapist Specialties

If you need the support of a professional to work through some personal issues, negative emotions, or feelings of sadness or anxiety, then you can choose a therapist without being particular about their areas of expertise, as most licensed therapists are trained to handle these types of cases.

However, if you need help with a specific mental health condition, such as severe depression, an anxiety disorder, PTSD, OCD, phobias, or eating disorders, or if you’re looking for relationship or family counseling, then you should ideally find a therapist serving Buffalo Grove that specializes in these areas.

In addition to the conditions they treat, some therapists focus on working with specific age groups. If you’re looking for a therapist in Buffalo Grove for your young child or teenager, you should seek out a professional who’s qualified to work with those age groups.

Treatment Modalities

Most therapists prefer specific treatment approaches with their patients over others. These can include cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and exposure therapy, to name a few.

Some patients research these treatment options online or consult with friends and decide for themselves which one they need. While you should ideally let the professional decide on the right modality for you, if you find that there are many suitable therapists in Buffalo Grove from which to choose, you can narrow down the list based on the treatment modalities you prefer.

Personal Background of the Therapist

You may prefer to work with a therapist in Buffalo Grove who speaks a second language that you speak, shares your religious beliefs, or is of a certain gender, race, or ethnicity. Finding a therapist who shares your values or personal experiences may help you open up more quickly and have better chemistry with them.


If your health insurance covers therapy, you’ll need to check with the individual therapist if they accept your insurance provider.

Session Types

If you need an in-person, face-to-face therapy experience, then you’ll want a professional counselor in Buffalo Grove who sees clients in an office. But if you prefer the convenience of working with someone who offers virtual sessions via videoconferencing or phone, there are plenty of therapists who provide remote sessions.

If you are not satisfied with the selection of therapists in Buffalo Grove, you may want to consider teletherapy even if it’s not your first choice, as any licensed therapist in Illinois may legally work with you.

Getting Started with a Therapist in Buffalo Grove

Our therapist directory includes filters to help you find therapists in Buffalo Grove based on your preferences and criteria. The therapists listed here are licensed professionals who work with clients in Buffalo Grove. They are subject to all applicable confidentiality regulations for mental health professionals and can be reached using the contact information they’ve provided on their profiles.