Autophobia: Fear of Being Alone

fear of being alone

Autophobia refers to the fear of being alone. It is categorized as a specific phobia, a type of anxiety disorder in which people experience irrational fear in response to specific objects or situations. Most people desire to be around others. Even the shyest and most introverted people have moments when they want and need to…

Understanding Your Partner With Asperger’s

emotionally unavailable partner

Most married couples will tell you that it takes a lot of work to enjoy a strong relationship. But when one partner has Asperger’s Syndrome, keeping the relationship healthy and happy can become even more challenging. Asperger’s is a condition on the autism spectrum. Those with the developmental disorder are usually highly functioning but socially…

How to Stop Enabling Grown Children

father and adult son doing dishes

Once considered unusual, it is now quite common to encounter parents who treat an adult child like a teenager in one respect or another. Approximately half of adults in the US aged 18 to 29 live with their parents.[1] This might include having the child live at home rent-free, while the parent is out working to…

An Overview of Intimacy Therapy

frustrated couple sitting on a bed

For a couple to seek out a fulfilling sex life is natural and healthy. After all, the frequency at which couples have sex is associated with happiness, as physical and emotional intimacy are essential parts of well-being. Although research shows that married couples have sex approximately 56 times a year, it’s not always the amount…

Angry Crying: An Overview

woman crying out of anger

Crying is a universal reaction that we experience when dealing with strong emotions. Whether you’re crying because you feel mistreated, abandoned, humiliated, or joyful, this reaction can hold different meanings depending on the circumstances. In the case of anger, crying may signal a state of emotional turmoil that results from a profound sense of injustice….

How to Reduce Back-To-School Anxiety

anxious child on way to school

For most kids, returning to school after a long break such as summer vacation can include a broad mix of emotions. Excitement and trepidation about what lies ahead are very common. However, for children who struggle with academics or social situations, going back to school can be a time they dread, filled with stress and…

How to Stop Panic Attacks: 7 Helpful Tips

Panic Attack

For those who suffer from panic attacks, the onset of symptoms is undeniable. They often can seem to come out of nowhere and mimic medical emergencies such as a heart attack. The pressure and mounting stress set off a chain of unpleasant events in the body leading to a panic attack. Why Panic Attacks Happen…

What is Repression in Psychology? 

woman comforting her sad friend

Repression in psychology refers to the unconscious act of pushing distressing memories, thoughts, and emotions out of the conscious mind when one cannot cope with them. This defense mechanism, also known as “motivated forgetting,” is a key concept in psychoanalysis, a clinical approach pioneered by Sigmund Freud in the late 19th century. Oftentimes, whether in…

An Overview of Emetophobia (Fear of Vomiting)

Fear of Vomiting

Emetophobia is a specific phobia characterized by an intense fear of vomiting or being in situations that could lead to vomiting. As with other specific phobias, being diagnosed with emetophobia requires the fear experienced by individuals to be irrational and in response to situations that pose little or no real danger. Emetophobia can be triggered…

Coping With a Midlife Crisis

older man driving convertible car

A midlife crisis is a period in a person’s life, typically sometime between ages 40 to 60, when they evaluate the choices they have made during their lives and experience anxiety resulting from thoughts about their mortality. Feeling confronted by end-of-life concerns, regret over missed opportunities, questioning self-doubt, and contemplating the way forward are all…

20 Things Not to Say to Someone With PTSD

speaking to someone with PTSD

Imagine you are the survivor of a horrible car crash. One day, while you’re walking down the street, you hear a car horn followed by a screeching noise. Before you get a chance to look around and figure out what happened, you feel a sudden rush of adrenaline. Fear paralyzes you from head to toe,…

How to Spot Emotionally Unavailable Partners

emotionally unavailable partner

Entering a new relationship can be both thrilling and scary at the same. The possibility that things will progress and evolve into a long-term commitment may excite you, but it’s hard to ignore the risk that you may end up getting hurt. One common fear in new relationships is that your new partner is emotionally…

Can Sexual Frustration Lead to Depression?

sad lonely woman

Whether you’re single, in a relationship, married, divorced, or widowed, sex is a vital aspect of life. Any dysfunction that occurs in this area is bound to cause disappointment and frustration. Although the frustration that results from a lack of sexual activity can lead to depressive symptoms, the link between sexual frustration and depression is a…

Sociopath vs. Psychopath: Understanding the Difference

psychopath sitting in car

People often use the terms “sociopath” and “psychopath” interchangeably as if they both mean the same thing, when in fact, they do not. The two terms are typically used to refer to people that have antisocial personality disorder. Clinically speaking, there is currently no classification of sociopathy or psychopathy listed in the most recent edition of the…

Why Am I So Paranoid? Learning to Cope

paranoid man staring out a window

Paranoia is a thought process that involves an irrational distrust trust in others without justification or cause. It is fueled by intense thoughts that will not go away and is perpetuated by powerful anxiety and fear. Paranoia is often accompanied by illogical thoughts that one is being threatened or targeted by an outside entity, even…

What Is Triangulation in Psychology?

man being left out of conversation by two friends

Triangulation is a psychological manipulation tactic used when one member of a two-person conflict pulls in a third person to better control the situation. It’s problematic because the third person is being exploited in an attempt to manipulate, and sometimes emotionally abuse, the other person within the conflict. It is an unhealthy strategy that can generate…

When Your Therapist Goes Digital: A Review of Quenza

Quenza Platform

In recent years, psychotherapists have embraced change and integrated online resources and services into their practices, allowing them to treat patients remotely. Not surprisingly, new technologies and innovations have developed around making online therapy treatment more convenient and effective. One such tool, designed to simplify the therapy process and greatly improve treatment outcomes is Quenza,…

What is Chronophobia?

fear of the passing of time

Chronophobia is an anxiety disorder in which one experiences an irrational fear of the passing of time. It is a disruptive and persistent stress that is related to thoughts of mortality, having limited time, or having limited means to monitor it. Chronophobia is a specific phobia, a category of anxiety disorders in which people experience irrational fear…

What Is Coulrophobia?

afraid of clowns

Coulrophobia specifically refers to the condition of having an overwhelming fear of clowns. This feeling of intense fear may be triggered by encountering, seeing, or even just thinking about clowns. The fear is so extreme that it can interfere with one’s normal functioning. Coulrophobia can be categorized as a specific phobia, an irrational and intense…

How to Find an Affordable Therapist

lady seeking help

Finding an affordable therapist can be a daunting task, especially when you’re already dealing with mental health issues like anxiety or depression. The mere thought of it can plunge you deeper into panic and despair. Not only do you have to navigate the decision to seek therapy, but you also have to figure out how…

What Is a Serial Monogamist?

Serial Monogamy

Serial monogamy is a term used to refer to people who follow a pattern of frequently entering committed relationships for short periods (generally a few months). Then, after a breakup, they quickly enter into another committed relationship. The serial monogamist is not ‘cheating’ on their partners but rather jumping from one relationship to another. Relationships…

Are Hot Flashes in Men Anxiety-Related?

Hot flashes in men

You’re a generally healthy man. But then one day, all of a sudden, you feel as if your skin is on fire. You’re sweating as if it’s 100 degrees, and you can feel your skin reddening. Your first thought might be that you’re experiencing hot flashes, commonly associated with women going through menopause. But is…

How to Bring Romance Back Into Your Marriage

married couple on date

Marriage can be difficult, and many couples experience moments where they feel less connected, less intimate, and less engaged in the romance and passion they experienced when the relationship began. This is a normal part of a relationship and is not something to worry about or fear; it is a result of seeping into the…

Emotional Affairs: Cheating Without Sex

women suspecting husband of texting with another woman

An emotional affair is when a person in a relationship invests more of their emotional energy into a companion outside of their marriage or a committed relationship. In some ways, the individual in an emotional affair feels much closer to their new companion than their spouse or partner and may even feel chemistry or sexual…

Does Marriage Counseling Really Work?

marriage counseling session with couple

Marriage counselors are often asked if therapy can be effective in fixing troubled relationships, or if it simply postpones the inevitable. You might think that the answer is a straightforward “yes” or “no,” but the truth is, it’s a bit more complicated than that. Several factors contribute to the success of marriage counseling. Some are…

Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist: What’s the Difference?

mental health patient taking pill

While the nuanced differences between psychologists and psychiatrists are extensive, the main thing that sets them apart is that psychiatrists undergo medical training and are authorized to prescribe medication, whereas psychologists do not have medical degrees and are not authorized to prescribe medication. Aside from that, they also differ in the types of patients they…

Signs Your Child May Be a Sociopath

sociopath staring at lake

So, your child is showing signs that have you worried. They lie with nothing to gain, show little to no empathy, and seem to ignore what is right and wrong. Perhaps it has even crossed your mind that your son or daughter might be a sociopath. If this worry is lingering in your mind, how…

The Link Between ADHD and Procrastination

adhd procrastination

Every day, countless Americans suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), with some remaining undiagnosed. While the impact of ADHD on an individual’s life and the strategies for managing it can differ, one common trait among those with ADHD is a tendency towards procrastination. Although each case is unique, this tendency towards procrastination is a…

How Are Therapists Different From Psychologists?

mental health professional

When searching for mental health services, being knowledgeable is crucial. Although the terms therapist and psychologist both describe professionals committed to enhancing their patients’ emotional and mental health, they do not carry the same meaning. Understanding some of these distinctions can aid you in your quest for the appropriate expert. The two titles can often…

How to Break up With Your Therapist

woman leaving therapist office

Working with a therapist can be beneficial in many ways; when you have a trusted relationship with a mental health professional, it can help you to feel as if you have a safe space that’s free from judgment to work through your feelings, thoughts, and negative emotions and behaviors. The process of choosing a therapist…

What to Do When You Have a Crush on Your Therapist?

having feelings for therapist

One of the things we desire in intimate relationships is to be heard and given space to express our thoughts and feelings. This is precisely what therapists offer, often knowing intimate details of our lives that we may not share with others. It’s not uncommon to develop feelings for your therapist, but if left unaddressed,…

Choosing a Therapist: A Detailed Guide

interviewing a therapist

Finding a therapist might seem easy, but choosing a “good” one might be a daunting experience for a lot of people. There are probably a lot of concerns you have when it comes to choosing the right person. After all, you’ll be opening up to them and relying on them to help you work through…

10 Signs You Might Be a Perfectionist


A perfectionist is someone who constantly sets incredibly high standards for themselves and expects nothing less than perfection. They have a relentless drive to achieve success and are constantly striving to improve themselves. Many very successful people from all different walks of life consider themselves to be perfectionists. However, having unattainable goals can lead to…

Does Hot Weather Make People Aggressive?

Angry sweaty man

While we all seem to have individual responses to changes in weather depending on our personal preferences, when it comes to heat, there seems to be a more consistently negative reaction among many people. In fact, researchers have found a link between heat waves and increased aggressive and violent crimes. The summer heat can lead…

How Does Trauma Therapy Work?

Traumatic event

Trauma therapy refers to the various psychotherapy treatments for helping individuals manage the intense emotional response triggered by experiences of extreme fear, stress, or danger. Such responses can include irritability, guilt, shame, flashbacks, emotional distress, difficulty sleeping, and many more. For those who have experienced trauma, support groups and counseling, such as trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy, are…

Can Extroverts Experience Social Anxiety?

group of people together in a kitchen

In social situations or large groups, some people experience anxiety. We often associate social anxiety with introverts; people who generally prefer to be alone and stay away from groups. Extroverts, on the other hand, enjoy being around people and socializing. However, extroverts too can experience social anxiety.  Extroversion vs. Introversion Extroversion is a personality trait…

Free Online Counseling: What You Should Know

free online therapy

The concept of free psychological services is not new. We only need to look at services such as Alcoholics Anonymous, court-ordered psychiatrist visits, and crisis intervention programs to find examples of free or mostly free psychological services. Technology has propelled the rise of online therapy chat providers, not only in America but across the world….

Nomophobia: Cellphone Separation Anxiety


Nomophobia is the term used to describe the panic and stress people experience from losing access to their mobile devices. While it is not officially a mental health condition, studies have shown that for some people the stress they feel when separated from their phones is very real and quite common. Mental health professionals suggest…

What Is Engaged Listening?

woman in conversation listening intently

When engaged in conversation, most of us focus on our own thoughts and what we will say next. This habit is actually quite distracting and gets in the way of better understanding what others are communicating. Improving in this area entails engaged listening, which refers to paying close attention to what others are saying and…

How to Calm Down When Life Is Too Stressful

woman sitting calmly

Being worried and stressed is normal. Work, family responsibilities, financial challenges, and even health issues can leave you feeling stressed and living in survival mode. A little stress is good, but when you become overwhelmed with life’s demands, your ability to perform suffers immensely. Staying calm in the middle of a crisis is important. Research shows…

Fluid Versus Crystallized Intelligence

young girl working on a puzzle

Intelligence is one of the most talked-about subjects in psychology. What comes to mind when you think of intelligence? Is it the accumulation of facts? Or, the ability to solve complex puzzles? Intelligence is more complicated than that. There are two main types of intelligence: crystallized and fluid. In the 1940s, psychologist Raymond B. Cattell…

What is Regression in Psychology?

teddy bear

Oftentimes, life does not turn out the way that we plan. Strategic decisions, calculated movements, and premeditated events can turn out much differently than we expect, rendering us bewildered, overwhelmed, and downright stressed. How we handle this stress is indicative of our personalities, our resilience, and the strength of our coping mechanisms. Ideally, we would…

How to Spot People That Use Others

using other people

Can you recall a time in your life when you were used by someone else? Unfortunately for most of us, this usually occurs sometime early in life. Some of us might have been used for our intelligence, some for our athleticism, and others for our popularity. Can you remember the moment when you realized that you were being…

Online Grief Counseling: Your Options Explained

man grieving at cemetery

The grief associated with going through a significant loss can be one of the most distressing experiences of a person’s life. It’s perfectly normal to face a wide range of emotions such as shock, numbness, guilt, and sadness. In fact, if you are experiencing intense grief, it may feel like life as you know it…

How to Deal With Enochlophobia (Fear of Crowds)

fear of crowds

Enochlophobia is the fear of crowds and crowded places. It is categorized as a specific phobia, an intense, excessive, and irrational fear of certain objects and situations that are not actually harmful. The anxiety experienced as a result of this phobia can be unbearable enough to make you resort to avoidance behaviors. On the one…

What is Gamophobia?

couple on the beach

Gamophobia is a fear of commitment and marriage. As with many phobias, gamophobia’s name has an interesting etymology. ’Phobia,’ of course, is the fear of something. Meanwhile, ‘gamos,’ is Greek for ‘marriage.’ Thus, gamophobia quite literally translates to ‘fear of marriage.’ Gamophobia is not always quite as simple as someone being afraid of getting married….

How Jealousy Can Ruin Your Relationship

jealous girlfriend suspiciously watching her boyfriend

Jealousy is an emotion that very commonly creates discord and strife in romantic relationships. While the impact this emotion has on a relationship can vary, it’s usually damaging and generally leads to some level of disconnection. Jealousy can be insidious, as it can start with one partner feeling mildly concerned over a threat to their relationship,…

Coping With Grief During the Holidays

Grief during the holidays

Grief is a complicated thing. Just when you think you have a handle on it, it pops up to rear its ugly head. And, as if that isn’t hard enough, the littlest and most unexpected things can trigger it. A distinct smell, a savory taste, or the notes to a beloved song can instantly bring…

How to Identify and Treat an Anxiety Rash

man with anxiety rash

We all experience anxiety and stress from time to time. While these feelings are not pleasant, they do not necessarily manifest in our bodies. However, when they’re intense, anxiety and stress can have a substantial bearing on our physical health. Common physical symptoms of stress and anxiety include headaches, fatigue, high blood pressure, and rashes. Our bodies…

Teen Depression: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

depressed teenager on a bench

The teenage years are a tumultuous developmental period when adolescents are making that big push toward independence. Hormones are raging and they’re at that awkward place between childhood and adulthood. The physical and psychological shifts result in mood swings, and changes in behavior, and often involve conflicts with others as they struggle to find their…

8 Simple Ways to Lower Your Cortisol Levels

relaxing on a hammock

Cortisol is a stress hormone in the human body that is released by the adrenal glands and helps the body manage stressful situations. The brain initiates the release of cortisol to mitigate stressors. Cortisol regulates sleep, controls blood pressure, decreases inflammation, and handles the way that the body uses nutrients. When cortisol levels are elevated for…

Afraid of Snakes? You May Have Ophidiophobia

fear of snakes

Ophidiophobia refers to an atypical and illogical fear of snakes that falls under the larger category of herpetophobia or the fear of reptiles. Ophidiophobia is fairly common and can range in severity, as some individuals may only be mildly afraid, while others may possess a severe and incapacitating fear. A minor phobia might encompass a fear…

How to Deal With Stonewalling

unhappy couple

Over time, conflict is inevitable in close, romantic relationships. How you choose to respond to these conflicts will determine whether they bring you closer together or pull you apart. While the obvious preferred way to handle discord would be to practice healthy communication skills and respectfully work out issues, emotions often get the better of people and…

Is Online Premarital Counseling Effective?

premarital online counseling

Ask any married couple and they will tell you that marriage is hard work. Even the happiest couples have arguments and struggles every now and then. But the joys that come from a loving partnership make the extra effort and compromises all worthwhile. Many couples find that premarital counseling is a beneficial and positive way…

Are Millennials the Most Depressed Generation?

Millennials and Depression

It’s hard to think that adults born between 1981-1996 could be a generation more depressed than others. With fast growing technologies, lifestyle, the use of social media, and a new “hot” topic developing every minute, they’re probably too busy to be depressed, right? Wrong! Although there are a lot of common negative stereotypes attached to…

Are Online Psychological Tests Reliable?

psychological testing online

How often do you come across online ads for psychological tests that claim to measure your intelligence, personality, or some other trait? Of course, it’s enticing to think that you can find out intriguing things about yourself in just a few minutes. It’s certainly easier when compared with having to consult with a mental health…

How to Spot Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder

Quiet BPD

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is one of the best-known, and sometimes most disconcerting, mental conditions. Many people wonder if they, or someone they know, suffers from BPD. Traditionally, this disorder has been identified through a fairly straightforward set of symptoms, involving problems with emotional regulation and sometimes lashing out at others. However, many people haven’t…

Overcoming Peter Pan Syndrome: What You Should Know

Peter Pan Syndrome

Peter Pan syndrome is not a clinical diagnosis but rather a term that describes someone (usually male) who refuses to grow up, avoids personal and professional responsibilities, and displays a general unwillingness to face the adult world.[1] There is also a related slang term tossed around called “manolescent” describing a man who eludes all adult…

Stress and Deep Sleep: Is there a Link?

deep sleep

Stress is an inevitable part of modern human life. According to the American Institute of Stress, over half of the American population report feeling stressed during the day.[1] Stress affects different age groups differently, and studies also indicate it may affect women more than men. Virtually everyone is affected by stress to some degree or…

How to Cope With Depression at Work

depressed man working at desk

Depression impacts nearly all aspects of a person’s life; from personal relationships to completing daily tasks. It’s therefore not surprising that it can have a major impact on work performance too.[1] Living with depression and trying to maintain your career can be challenging. However, you can still keep your career on track by identifying the…

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?

CBT therapy session

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a hands-on therapeutic treatment that helps people understand that their thoughts are directly connected to how they feel, and how they feel is directly connected to their behavior. Recognizing this can help a person realize that if they can change their automatic thoughts in negative situations (using a variety of…

What is Narcissistic Abuse?

narcissistic abuse

A narcissist, or one with Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), is someone who lacks empathy, has an overblown sense of self-importance and an overwhelming desire for attention and esteem. Such a person may appear confident, but in reality suffers from low self-esteem and shatters under even the smallest critique. Friends, family members and romantic partners of…

Personality Disorders and Trauma: Is There a Link?

personality disorders and trauma

My new patient, a middle-aged man, sat in the chair opposite mine and stated in a somewhat aggrieved tone: “Hey doc, I hear you specialize in treating personality disorders. My partner looked on the internet and said that I am a narcissist and that there is not much hope for me. What do you think?”…

Traits of a High-Functioning Sociopath

High functioning sociopathic man

When you hear the term “sociopath,” thoughts of serial killers, assassins and criminals come to mind. The actual definition of a sociopath, however, is a person with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). This condition involves engaging in behavior that harms others without remorse. Although some sociopaths do have murderous and violent tendencies, most are not destined…

Dating Someone With Anxiety: Tips and Advice

Couple walking holding hands

Dealing with your own anxiety can be difficult, but it can also be incredibly hard to watch anxiety affect someone you love. Anxiety is different for every person and managing it is not “one size fits all.” The first thing to do when you love someone with anxiety is to do your best to understand…

How to Identify a Covert Narcissist

woman walking sadly

Narcissists are typically associated with the more commonly-known behaviors they exhibit such as arrogance, grandiosity, lack of empathy, entitlement, manipulation and more. While these are definitely traits of someone who might be characterized as having narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), researchers have found that people can have a more internal presentation and continue to meet the criteria…

What Is Agitated Depression?

sad irritated woman sitting in car

Depression is a condition impacting nearly one-fifth of the population and presenting with a range of different symptoms across a variety of subtypes. Agitated Depression is a term used to describe a subtype of depression characterized by agitation and exhibiting symptoms such as irritability, restlessness, and anxiety during a depressive episode.[1][2] In a clinical setting,…

What Are Gestalt Therapy Techniques?

empty chair at therapist office

When providing therapy, there are various theories a professional can utilize to inform treatment. The theory of choice is dependent on the educational background of the therapist. It is similar to how certain cultures greet one another. In some cultures, it is a handshake whereas in other cultures, it is a kiss on the cheek….

6 Tips to Stop Overthinking


Do you tend to overthink or overanalyze things? Think back to a time you gave an important presentation, had a conversation with someone you wanted to impress, or went to a party and talked to people you had never met before. When it was over, did you find yourself mulling over the events and conversations…

What Is Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

soldier struggling with PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a severe psychological response to a traumatic event. Those suffering from this condition experience disturbing thoughts and feelings about their trauma long after it has passed. A common condition affecting nearly 7% of adults, PTSD can interfere with a person’s daily functioning at work and home. What Causes PTSD? Even…

What Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?

DBT group therapy session

If you’re thinking of working with a therapist to address a serious mental health condition, it’s important to understand the differences between the various forms of therapy. In this article, I’ll be shedding the light on one particular type of therapy that has tons of scientific research to back its effectiveness; dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT).[1]…

Anger Management: How to Regain Control

anger management

Anger is a natural emotion. Everyone gets angry at some point in their lives. When you hear the word anger, you most likely picture someone hitting something or screaming at another person. What is important to remember, though, is that anger is a feeling; not a behavior. We control our behavior, so ultimately, it is…