Dialectical behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy based on the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy that focuses on mindfulness and acceptance. In addition to identifying and challenging irrational thinking patterns, DBT encourages patients to accept themselves and their reality and focus on the present moment.
DBT was developed in the 1980s by Dr. Marsha Linehan. This therapy was initially designed to treat the symptoms of borderline personality disorder (BPD), which include unstable moods, intense emotions, explosive anger, suicidal ideation, self-destructive behaviors, and an unclear sense of self. Dr. Linehan had suffered from symptoms of this disorder since her teens.
Linehan’s symptoms were so severe, that at the age of 17, she was placed in a facility for severely mentally ill children and teens. The facility indicated in 1963 discharge notes that Linehan was one of the most disturbed patients there. When she was in her early 20s, Linehan used the interventions that define DBT to recover from the disorder herself. She later went on to become a psychologist and develop DBT as a recognized intervention for treating BPD.
This therapeutic method was initially developed to address the symptoms of borderline personality disorder. However, research indicates that it has a far wider range of applications and can be used to help a variety of issues from relationship problems to social anxiety. Since its widespread use in the 1980s, scientists have discovered that DBT is incredibly helpful for treating depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse disorders.
Other research has found that DBT can even be used for things like trichotillomania, an impulse control disorder that involves an irresistible urge to pull one’s hair, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
DBT is one of the most effective treatments for borderline personality disorder. Compared to other treatments for BPD, it has shown the most promise in both clinical and research settings. In one well-known study, German researchers examined the effectiveness of DBT on borderline personality disorder. It was found that it significantly improved self-injurious behaviors, reduced the number of inpatient hospital stays, and decreased the severity of borderline symptoms. After 12 months of treatment, 77% of the patients no longer met the criteria for a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder.
Dialectical behavioral therapy is also quite effective for other mental health disorders as well. A research study published in the Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy examined the effectiveness of DBT on depression and anxiety in patients enrolled in a psychiatric partial hospitalization program. It was found that DBT helped treat the symptoms of both of these disorders.
The term dialectical means “to bring opposites together,” which is what DBT does. It balances opposites. One of the defining features of borderline personality disorder is called “black-and-white thinking.” With this type of thinking, the person sees themselves, others, and situations as either all bad or all good. There is no middle ground. This type of thinking is a problem because it leads to strong emotional responses or serious reactions to minor things.
Dialectical behavioral therapy addresses this type of thinking. DBT teaches you to identify and change “black and white” thinking patterns. Rather than either-or, you learn to accept that others and situations have both bad and good aspects.
Dialectical behavioral therapy also helps you learn to manage painful emotions and better tolerate distress. It is also effective at helping to eliminate unhealthy behaviors, such as impulsivity and substance abuse. DBT is incredibly helpful in treating self-destructive and suicidal behaviors. This treatment teaches you to replace problematic behaviors with positive ones that help you build stronger interpersonal relations and experiences.
Wondering what to expect from DBT treatments? It is a bit different than other types of therapy. DBT consists of several different interventions that are used together to manage symptoms. These interventions include:
These groups are led by a trained DBT therapist and typically last about two hours. During these sessions, participants learn and practice four key DBT skills including:
Individual therapy is a big part of DBT. During these one-on-one sessions, individual therapeutic needs are addressed. Common things worked on include unstable self-image, impulsivity, and suicidal behaviors.
This is extra support that takes place between individual and group sessions. Phone support can be helpful to have during times of crisis or when you feel overwhelmed. Your therapist will guide you through how to use your DBT skills to overcome whatever challenge or crisis you are facing.
Here are a couple of tips for success for anyone considering DBT.
Dialectical behavioral therapy was created for people with borderline personality disorder, as mentioned above. However, it has shown promise in treating a range of conditions. This type of therapy can be applied to all ages, from adolescence through adulthood. That said, the very best way to know if DBT is the best treatment for your particular issue is to speak with a mental health professional.
For DBT to be effective, the therapist should be skilled in basic behavior therapy techniques and DBT treatment strategies. Look for a mental health professional with experience and specialized training in DBT. Choosing a clinician who has the DBT-Linehan Certification is recommended. This ensures that they are skilled in DBT interventions and methods.
In addition, it is important to find a therapist with whom you feel comfortable working. Look for someone who you find trustworthy and likable. DBT is an intensive treatment, as it involves both group and individual sessions, so make sure they have the availability to help you before you begin.
One of the unique aspects of DBT is the frequent use of therapist consultation teams by the practitioners. This essentially refers to guidance for the therapists by other therapists in small groups, typically 3 to 8 mental health professionals. It includes meetings to monitor patient treatments, work on the provider’s skills, and provide general support to help avoid therapy burnout.
Although dialectical behavioral therapy was developed to treat borderline personality disorder, it can help anyone who is struggling with emotional control, impulsive behaviors, self-harm, and interpersonal problems. The skills taught in DBT can help you learn to react to stressful emotions and events in more positive, productive ways. Just remember that for DBT to be effective, you must be willing to commit to using the skills taught during sessions.