Jessica Matthews
Jessica Matthews
(616) 259-5146
Jessica Matthews

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About Me

Hello, my name is Jessica. I am passionate about helping individuals and families find hope and healing amidst life’s challenges. I provide client-centered counseling services, which allows us to focus on how your situation impacts you, as well as use and develop skills and resources to support you in achieving your goals. I graduated from Cornerstone University with my B.S. in Youth Ministry, worked as a Youth Director for a few years and then returned to Cornerstone to finish my M.A. in Counseling. I have a specialization in working with teens, young adults, and families, but also enjoy working with people of all ages who are experiencing anxiety, depression, and grief. My story gives me a unique perspective in understanding infertility and women's issues.

My Location

static image of 6810 Old 28th Street SE, Suite 4, Grand Rapids, Michigan
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