Alex Duncan
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About Me
I am a licensed professional counselor here in the state of Idaho. I graduated from Northwest Nazarene University with a masters in clinical mental health counseling specializing in Logotherapy (my main treatment modality which aims at finding meaning and purpose in life) as well as Grief, Trauma & Crisis. My experiences in life including my upbringing, friendships and relationships, endeavors I have endured, and mistakes I have made have lead me to become the person I am today. Nobody is perfect, and that is perfectly okay. Through the choices we make (good or bad) we have the ability to learn and grow. As human beings, we have an intrinsic capability of overcoming and growing from tragic and heartbreaking situations/experiences. My passion is to form safe relationships both in my practice, as well as with my family and friends, to foster a trusting and understanding environment leading to openness, transparency, and authenticity in exploring the unique lives and experiences of each individual. As an Idahoan native, my hope is to serve and empower our community to find peace, love, joy, and meaning despite the inevitable obstacles we as humans are faced with.
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