Kristen Wynns
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About Me
Dr. Wynns, the owner and founder of Wynns Family Psychology, is frequently sought out as local expert on child psychology and parenting issues for radio shows, t.v. news, magazines like Carolina Parent, and t.v. shows like My Carolina Today. She was the relationship columnist for a national magazine, All You, and is the author of The No Wimpy Parenting Handbook. Dr. Wynns is the founder of a parenting website called NoWimpyParenting.com.™ “No Wimpy Parenting” services are available to help parents struggling with behavior or discipline problems at home. Dr. Wynns is a frequently invited speaker for parenting workshops at schools, churches, and community events. Dr. Wynns likes to say she is “doubly qualified” to give parenting advice because she is not only a child psychologist, but has two kids of her own (ages 16 and 13). See WynnsFamilyPsychology.com or NoWimpyParenting.com for more information.
Wynns Family Psychology is a child/adolescent specialty private practice with offices in Cary, North Raleigh, and Greensboro, NC. At Wynns Family Psychology, doctoral level psychologists and therapists provide therapy for kids ages 3 and up, parent coaching, and social skills groups/camps, and DBT groups for tweens through young adults. They also provide psychological and psychoeducational evaluations for ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, and Gifted. WFP specializes in high conflict divorce cases by offering co-parenting therapy, reunification therapy, therapy for children of divorce, and a full menu of custody evaluations.