Gregory Custer
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About Me
That saying, "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger" -- I think it should be "What doesn't kill me makes me suffer." So many people feel unheard, disconnected, tired, worthless, fearful, sad, anxious and forgettable. They need the skills to nurture their resilience, to discern their incredible value. There's a loneliness in struggling. But I'm here to help you heal yourself with a new, creative perspective and find resources you didn't know you possessed.
My background is broad, from working with crisis to ongoing counseling. I have conducted over 10,000 suicide risk assessments, served as a Designated Examiner for the State of Idaho. I provided custody and guardianship evaluations and served as an expert witness. In private practice for over 17 years, I am still learning from and for patients.
Whether you are struggling with depression, how relationship issues feel, the incredible inertia of a panic attack-- and conversely, what it took to surpass, adapt, and heal from the experience(s) of them. I hear you. I understand. I am accepting new patients. Email or call today. Start your journey to strength.