David Manfield
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About Me
I am a therapist with over thirty years clinical experience. Over the years I’ve worked with and helped hundreds of individuals and couples through a wide range of difficulties. My style is respectful, interactive and dynamic. I’ve learned that there are a lot ways to help, to heal and to promote personal growth, and that no particular approach fits every person or situation. For some individuals problems arise from recent traumatic events, while others struggle with childhood trauma or neglect. Some have disabling anxiety, chronic sleep problems, self-destructive behaviors, self-worth issues or general depression. Each issue reflects a lack of resolution or closure from some developmental stage, indicating a specific type of therapy tailored to that need. I often combine EMDR with cognitive behavioral strategies, though hypnotherapy and psychodynamic strategies may be useful as well.
Others seek therapy because of chronic relationship issues, issues of self-worth, or compulsive patterns they know to be self-defeating. In all cases, I use the first few sessions to fully understand the origins of the problem, and together, we develop a plan of action.
If you are a couple seeking help, I’d be happy to meet with you for a consultation. Treating couples is an exciting part of my practice, and like individual therapy, one size does not fit all. Our first session will focus on assessing the difficulties and pitfalls in your relationship. From there, we develop a plan..
A parting note: Psychotherapy outcome studies stress one important point. Clients and therapists must be a good fit for a positive result. Be assured that our first meeting is a trial run. If you’re not comfortable, I’ll work with you to find an alternative.
I have offices in NW Portland and Lake Oswego. The NW office is located between Good Sam Hospital and the Pearl, and the Lake Oswego office is located near the I-5 and 217 interchange, about 10-15 minutes south of downtown Portland. Hours are 9-6, Monday through Friday. Email or call anytime, leave a message and I’ll get back to you shortly. Email is generally best.
David.Manfield@gmail.com or 503-223-2391