Haslyna Watson
Haslyna Watson
(609) 323-5383
Haslyna Watson

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About Me

Congratulations, I'm so thrilled that you're taking the very first step in achieving your wellness goals! Together we'll tackle issues like anxiety, stress, depression, trauma, and grief, using your strengths to promote self-compassion, self-care, and resilience. As a Guyanese- American woman of color, I love working with people form diverse backgrounds and cultures. I am also passionate about working with people who are struggling to manage unhealthy or difficult relationships and people who are struggling to manage the challenges of parenthood. I typically work with professional women, couples, parents, and families who are in search of a safe space for personal and professional growth. My clinical approach is one that is multicultural, womanist, and intersectional. What that means is that I have an increased awareness of how culture, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, and nationality can all inform your worldview. With that as our backdrop, my hope is that our therapeutic relationship allows you a safe and inviting space to explore how your thoughts, feelings, and actions are interrelated. As we enter into this journey together, we also work collaboratively to overcome the challenges that get in the way—shifting you from surviving to thriving. I look forward to encouraging you and empowering you along the way!

My Location

static image of 190 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey
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