Courtney Bacigal
Courtney Bacigal
(517) 481-2133
Courtney Bacigal

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About Me

“I believe that we are the experts into our futures and how we obtain the goals we desire. Although we are the experts, we at times need guidance and support throughout our journey.”

As your therapist my intention is to provide to you that push needed to seek out your strengths, and focus on you as an individual. Together we will process whatever struggles you may be going through and discover how you will overcome life challenges. I believe that focusing on internal strengths and building upon our best qualities we will view ourselves and our goals with a more positive outlook.

I began my journey to becoming a therapist at MSU where I obtained my undergraduate degree, and completed my Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work at the University of Chicago at Illinois.

My Location

static image of 4572  S Hagadorn Rd, Suite 1C, East Lansing, Michigan
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