Therapists in Gulfport, MS and Nearby Locations

Find a therapist in Gulfport, Mississippi that meets your needs. Browse our comprehensive list of affordable and licensed therapists in Gulfport to find a professional specializing in counseling people with stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, grief, and more.

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Christie Bates
Teletherapy for Clients In:

Tennessee, Mississippi

My clients are bright, creative people - sometimes a bit weary of therapy at first - who regain confidence in the process due to the work we do. I've worked in residential trauma-focused settings to help people of all genders address and resolve...
In-Person Sessions:

Southaven, Mississippi

Teletherapy for Clients In:


One thing that is certain to occur in life is change. Not all the changes that come our way are expected nor pleasant. Whatever that experience might be, our life trajectory is impacted. Thus, we find ourselves at the CROSS ROADS of our lives....
Teletherapy for Clients In:


Licensed Professional Counselor and Supervisor in Mississippi. I am also A Board Certified Telemental Health Counselor as we as a Certified Trauma Professional. I have been practicing counseling for 6 years now. My time has been served in inpatient...
In-Person Sessions:

Ridgeland, Mississippi

Teletherapy for Clients In:


God has given me a heart full of compassion and a strong desire to help others with the many struggles and challenges we face on life’s journey. My goal as a counselor is to always empower my clients in a safe and supportive environment using...
Allan Katz
In-Person Sessions:

Memphis, Tennessee

Teletherapy for Clients In:

Tennessee, Mississippi

Allan is a licensed Professional Counselor (LPC/MHSP) in the states of Tennessee and Mississippi. He is a Certified Addiction Counselor, certified by the state of Mississippi (CAT) and a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, Certified by IITAP, the...
Kandice Bass
In-Person Sessions:

Laurel, Mississippi

Teletherapy for Clients In:


My amazing husband and I have been married 16 plus years and have 7 beautiful children together. Both of us are calling to minister the gospel to a hurting world. My husband has ministered in the Baptist denomination as a youth and music minister...
Patricia Brawley
LPC, Ph.D.
Teletherapy for Clients In:


My name is Dr. Patricia Brawley. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and have been in private practice for more than twenty five years. I have always been deeply interested in mind-body interaction, health psychology, creativity, consciousness,...

FAQs When Searching for Therapists in Gulfport, MS:

How do I find a therapist in Gulfport, Mississippi?

You can find a therapist in Gulfport by entering your city or zip code in the search bar above. You can then refine your search results based on areas of expertise, therapeutic approach, gender, languages spoken, and other factors to find the best fit for you.

Are all the Gulfport, MS therapists listed here licensed mental health professionals?

Our directory includes licensed mental health professionals, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and counselors. Before listing therapists in Mississippi, we ensure they are licensed to treat clients in the state.

What personal characteristics should I look for in a therapist?

You may prefer to work with a therapist in Gulfport who speaks a second language, shares your religious beliefs, or is of a certain gender, race, or ethnicity. Finding a therapist who shares your values or personal experiences may help you open up more quickly and have better chemistry with them.

How much does therapy cost?

Therapy costs vary by location, therapist experience, and training. In the US, a session typically starts at around $80 and goes up to $300. Insurance coverage can considerably lower this cost if the therapist is in-network.

Is online therapy right for me?

Online therapy can be as effective as in-person therapy, depending on the condition being treated. However, serious, life-threatening mental illnesses that require visual observation of the patient’s behavior are more suitable for in-person sessions. In most cases, the option for virtual sessions makes the therapeutic experience more convenient, making consistent participation more likely.

Are therapy sessions confidential?

Therapists in the US must comply with HIPAA laws to protect sensitive health information. Therapists will only discuss a client with others if the client provides written permission, except in cases where the client is in danger of harming themselves or others, there is suspected abuse of a child, elderly or dependent adult, or if legally required by court order.

How often will I meet my therapist?

Most therapists recommend weekly sessions with their patients. Many therapists also assign “homework” between sessions, such as thought exercises and practicing mindfulness. Under certain circumstances, a provider may suggest more frequent meetings.

What type of therapy is right for me?

The right type of therapy depends on several factors, including why you’re seeking treatment, your timeline, and your personal preferences. Some therapies are time-limited, while others are open-ended. Some providers specialize in specific therapeutic approaches, known as modalities. If you prefer a therapist using a specific modality, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, you can use our filters to display therapists in Gulfport specializing in CBT or any other modality.