Sharon Normand
Sharon Normand
LPC-Supervisor 1
(504) 237-8298
Sharon Normand

Sharon Normand

LPC-Supervisor 1

Online Sessions

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About Me

I empower individuals and couples to change their perceptions about issues that are unhealthy and assist them in facilitating positive change. I approach therapy with clients from a wellness model - having issues they need assistance managing as opposed to a medical model - being broken and needing to be fixed.

I specialize in working with clients and their families who live with substance and behavioral addictions, symptoms from trauma and who might be in crisis. I enjoy working with adult clients from various populations including but not limited to criminal justice, employee assistance programs or licensing boards, and with co-occurring disorders. My clients have come from all backgrounds, races, religions, sexual orientations and socioeconomic status.

I have presented at the 2017 Annual Louisiana Substance Abuse Counselors and Trainers (LASACT) Conference on “Addiction – A Disease in Perception.” I have been a person in recovery since 2001 and have personal experience receiving virtuous counseling and appreciate the benefits.

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