Sharon B. Uy
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About Me
I believe in our inherent ability as spiritual and human beings to recognize and access our true nature as one of peace. That’s not to say that shit doesn’t occasionally (if not more often) hit the proverbial fan, but there can be comfort in knowing that underneath all that, our true nature continues to be. I also believe that through mindfully moving the body and the process of creating intuitive art, as well as, alternatively, through observing what happens (or wants to happen) in stillness and silence, we have a greater chance of living more from that place of peace. (But if you want to just talk, we can do that, too.) There’s no need for “fixing” – you’re simply learning how to use the tools you already have to live the kind of life you want.
I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with an emphasis in Clinical Art Therapy, am certified in Level-1 Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, and have completed two 200-hour yoga teacher and meditation trainings. Through all of the populations I’ve had the honor of working with (including adults with severe mental disorders, children with learning disabilities, adolescents in the juvenile justice system, those in recovery, and through deployments to areas affected by natural disasters), I’ve found that an integral part of healing is simply connection – through laughter, story, and presence. It is my hope that we can connect more of these moments with ourselves, between each other, and out towards the whole of our local and global community.
I’m available for in-person, Skype, and text sessions. You can learn more at www.sharonuy.com.
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