Shari Johansson
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About Me
Shari Y. Johansson (MA, LPC, NCC, BCN, QEEG-D) is a licensed professional counselor.
Since 1993, Shari has been involved in counseling dedicated to encouraging women and men to live fully by design in deep relationship with God and others. Areas of specialized interest include: abuse recovery, grief work, identity issues, life direction, marital issues, parenting, adoption parenting and all things relational.
Attachment Relationships, Anxiety, Grief, ADHD; Issues: Anger Management, Codependency, Family Conflict, Obesity/Weight loss, Relationship Issues, Sexual Abuse, Spirituality, Behavioral Issues, Divorce, Life Coaching, Parenting, Self-Esteem, Sleep/Insomnia, Trauma/PTSD, Biofeedback & Neurofeedback
Read more about Shari's journey with neurofeedback.
If you or your child is struggling with symptoms of ADHD and the emotional and often social difficulties that go along with it, then neurofeedback is a great life changing, non-invasive solution. I myself grew up with these difficulties, so when my son was in Kindergarten and we got the call to have an early parent/teacher conference, I instinctively knew what is was about. My son is bright, creative, and very distractible!
As a therapist, I know what the effects are of long-term medication use on a developing brain, and I did not want to go down that road. Desperate for an alternative, I began my journey into understanding neurofeedback. Like many, I was a skeptic at first, and it took several years to jump in with both feet, but when I did, it changed my life as much as the lives of my children.
For years, our evening routine was a struggle for both kids to get work done- if the assignments and materials even made it home! The procrastination and obvious torture to sit and do the work after having been at school and working all day were difficult on the whole family. It was familiar because it was how I grew up.
We tried all types of tutoring, vision therapy, various brain learning centers, diet modifications and environmental changes. Each year and each new modality brought slight changes, but nothing that eased the dread and struggle of getting schoolwork completed. Because I had been following the advances in neurofeedback technology, I recognized that the difference of QEEG guided neurofeedback, and how it would be able to specifically address the needs of my child’s brain. I jumped in and had both kids going for training during the summer months.
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