Kate Schroeder
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About Me
Kate is a psychotherapist in private practice specializing in working with adult survivors of childhood trauma, through the use of affective and experiential therapy. She is a certified administrator/interpreter of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI ®), and has extensive training in the Enneagram system of personality typing. Kate is also a certified facilitator of the 3 Keys to Self- Understanding, a groundbreaking approach to deep emotional healing, focused on restoring the mind- body-spirit connection, and has worked with this integrative and experiential healing approach for over eighteen years. Kate is also trained in Body Centered Gestalt Therapy from the Integrative Psychotherapy Training Program of Kansas City and works with clients both in the United States and internationally as well. In addition to her private counseling practice, Kate also teaches as graduate faculty in the Counseling Department at Webster University and facilitates group therapy for those interested in healing childhood and relationship trauma. She also facilitates self-exploration groups, classes and workshops using right brain techniques such as visual journaling, guided imagery, art, music, movement and creativity to get deeper than word and cognition into feelings. Kate has presented locally and nationally on these topics, and consults with community organizations, businesses, ministry groups and educational staff. She is interested in and currently working on innovative ways to blend technology and deep experiential healing practices, as additional forms of support for clients, to be used as supplements to therapeutic work. She is the author of Soul Meditations: Building A Relationship That Lasts (A Guided Meditation Program), that incorporates experiential therapeutic exercises in digital audio format. For more information, you can visit or contact her at: www.kateschroederlpc.com. To learn more about her Visual Journaling Community on Facebook, join her at Visual Journaling: Bit.ly/VisualJournaling today. We would love to have you as a part of our community!