Alicia Amato
Alicia Amato
(740) 432-1800
Alicia Amato

Alicia Amato


Online & In-Person Sessions

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About Me

Alicia or one of her staff can work with any type of consumer, Adult Child, Individual, Family or couple. We can assist with any concerns or behaviors. All master level therapists. Licensed Independent Social Worker Supervisor with over 15 years of experience. Our areas of expertise are assessments, play therapy, PTSD, art interventions, Trauma Focused CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Phototherapy, Anger Management, Dialectical Behavior Therapy and EMDR. I am also a Q-SAP for ODOT.

We offer a "Joy of Living Group". Goals of the group are: easing depression and anxiety; managing your symptoms; socialization; changing your perception; diet and nutrition; effective communication skills; working with others; saying what you need to say and meaning it; discovering joy. We also offer a Dialectical Behavior Therapy and an Anger Management Group.

My Location

static image of 1200 E. Wheeling Avenue, Cambridge, Ohio
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