Therapists in Pawtucket , RI and Nearby Locations

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Teletherapy for Clients In:

Rhode Island

Education and Certification: Ph.D. Clinical Psychology (Syracuse University) Ph.D. Medical Sciences (University of S. Florida College of Medicine) Certified Life Coach (Dipl. L.C., Life Coaching Institute) I’m a clinical psychologist who used to...
Teletherapy for Clients In:

Massachusetts, Rhode Island

Hi! I'm glad you're here :) I am a trauma trained therapist who works with individuals struggling with trauma-related symptoms such as, flashbacks, trauma memories, intrusive thoughts, nightmares, feelings of shame, guilt, anger or emotional...
Megan Gallagher
In-Person Sessions:

Warwick, Rhode Island

I provide a safe and comfortable setting in which you can work to determine and accomplish your goals, minimize stress, and learn to identify triggers so that you can regain control of your emotions and reach a level balance in your life.  We are...
Teletherapy for Clients In:

Rhode Island

Tania Patrizio, MSW, LICSW Tania was born and raised in Rhode Island before moving to California where she gained much of her clinical experience. She has worked extensively in the foster care system ranging from opening and operating a group home...

Mental Health in Pawtucket, Rhode Island

Pawtucket is a one-time mill town in Rhode Island with a long history of manufacturing that continues to this day. At one time, part of the city was a part of Massachusetts as a result of a border dispute that lasted 225 years. Pawtucket, which means “river fall” in the Algonquian language, is the fourth largest city in Rhode Island with a population of 71,434 in 2016. The city is also known as “Rhode Island’s creative city” and has maintained an Arts and Entertainment District, 307 acres in size, for over 20 years.

Pawtucket Demographic Data

Approximately half the population of Pawtucket, 52.5%, identifies as white, while approximately one in five, 21.7%, identify as Hispanic. People identifying as black or African American represent 14.7% of the population, while 4.6%  identify as two or more races and 0.1% identify as American Indian.

About 15.6% of the Pawtucket population lived in poverty as of 2016, including 32.4% of Latino (Hispanic) residents, 21.7% of African American residents, 20% of residents of two or more races, and 5.8% of American Indian residents. Overall, the median household income in Pawtucket for 2016 was lower than the median for the state of Rhode Island: $46,792 and $60,596, respectively.

Only about 19% of people in Pawtucket age 25 years or older held a bachelor’s degree or higher between 2013 and 2017, compared with 80.3% of people with at least a high school diploma.

Statewide, adults in Rhode Island report an average of 3.6 days of poor mental health per month, which is approximately equal to the national average of 3.4 days. However, the percentage of Pawtucket residents who reported 8 to 30 days of poor mental health per month ranged from 16.8% to 28%, depending on the geographical area in which the respondents lived.

Overall, among all the New England states, Rhode Island residents of all ages experience the poorest mental health and substance abuse outcomes. Youth, that is, children 12 to 17 years old, are of particular concern when it comes to mental health issues. The rates of middle and high school students who use illicit drugs are higher in Rhode Island than the national rates and the rates for other New England states. Over 10 years, from 2003 to 2013, Rhode Island saw a 53% increase in the number of youth hospitalized with a primary diagnosis of mental disorder, the total in 2013 being 2,737.

Factors Affecting Mental Health in Pawtucket

In Pawtucket, there are disparities in both the physical and mental health of residents based on sociological factors such as education, income, and race. Non-white residents of Pawtucket are likely to experience poorer health than white residents, and people with low educational attainment and/or low income are also likely to have relatively worse health. Low income may prevent individuals or families from being able to afford medical care, or it may affect health in more subtle ways, such as determining where an individual or family can live, which in turn can limit access to health services.

Divorce in Pawtucket

Another factor affecting mental health in Pawtucket is divorce. Providence County, where Pawtucket is located, has the second highest divorce rate of Rhode Island counties at 13.43%. Only Kent County, at 13.69%, is higher. Divorce has the potential to affect the mental health of not only the couple splitting up but their family members as well, especially any children of the relationship.

The Challenge of Finding a Suitable Therapist in Pawtucket, Rhode Island

Throughout the state of Rhode Island, there are 52 licensed behavioral health clinics. Residents of Pawtucket are somewhat more fortunate in that regard than residents of other parts of the state because Providence County is one of the two counties in the state where most of the behavioral health providers are located, the other being Kent County to the south.

The ratio of mental health providers to Rhode Island citizens is 298:1, which is lower than the national average of 529:1. The relative lack of providers may result in limited access to mental health services, a problem which may be compounded by the sociological factors discussed previously, such as race, education, or income level.