Healing After The Elections

After several anxious days awaiting election results, Joe Biden was announced as the new president of the United States. While many were thrilled over the results, nearly half were left heartbroken, upset, and even angry and in denial. Regardless of whether or not your preferred candidate won, there is still uncertainty for all. That ambiguity…
Coping with Anxiety in the LGBTQ Community During COVID-19

COVID-19 has swept through the country and uprooted a feeling of normalcy for nearly everyone. Globally, the efforts to contain the unpredictable pandemic have led to social distancing, isolation, and quarantine to help reduce the spread. For those in the LGBTQ community, these safety requirements have led to additional pressures in the face of already…
Politics, the Coronavirus, and Anxiety

As election day creeps closer, for many, anxiety mounts. Issues such as the economy, the coronavirus pandemic, racism, LGBTQ rights, climate instability, war on terrorism, and numerous others are among the personal and societal stressors. Add on the inability to escape constant political ads, endless news stories, social media feeds, disagreements with friends and family…
Added Pressures Dads are Facing During Covid19

Since the COVID19 pandemic hit earlier this year, there have been numerous reports suggesting that 2020 is the end of the working mother. Between childcare responsibilities, housework, and homeschooling, women are left with very little time to do much else. With many schools partially or completely remote and daycares closed, it’s become harder for working…
Adjusting to Life After the Coronavirus

When most people think of trauma, they think of things like domestic violence, sexual abuse, or a serious accident. But trauma is defined as any disturbing or deeply distressing experience. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that many of us experienced some form of trauma associated with COVID-19. In fact, acknowledging the distress and pain…
Will Lockdown Turn Us into Loners?

Loneliness affects both mental and physical health, but counter intuitively it can also result in a decreased desire for social interaction In order to take a closer look at the mechanics of this contradiction, and for the purpose of analyzing social behavior during lock down, scientists at both the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, and the Wolfson…
Psychology: How We React in a New World of People Wearing Face Masks

Surrounded by a world full of random features, as human beings, we possess an innate, strong psychological drive to see other people’s faces and facial features. In fact, our brain’s perceptual system configures the things we perceive, and frequently fills in unclear scenes, revealing something that may not actually be there. So what happens when…
Tips to Help Keep You Motivated During COVID-19

We are living in strange and unprecedented times. Although in the future we will be able to say that we lived through history, we first have to actually get to the other side of this period. The COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing chaos it has wrought on the world are not to be understated. It…
Coronavirus Cabin Fever: How To Keep Your Sanity

With health officials and government agencies placing mandates on what people and businesses can do during the coronavirus outbreak, many people are beginning to experience cabin fever. After all, when you’re stuck inside with little to do and no one to talk to, whether as a result of social distancing or quarantining, it can become…
The Lasting Effects of the Coronavirus on Young People

Although the coronavirus will have long-term effects on everybody in the United States; its biggest impact will likely be felt by the youth of America. Young people are currently forming their identities and have most of their lives ahead of them. Adults, on the other hand, will likely resist change and fall back on their…
The Psychological Consequences Of The Coronavirus

Coronavirus has turned the world upside down. Whether you get your news from TV, social media, or the Internet; it is impossible to escape its mention. By now, the physical effects of the virus are seared into our brains. Less attention, however, has been paid to the considerable psychological consequences. Here are some ways COVID-19…
When Your Home Isn’t Safe: Domestic Violence And Coronavirus

As the world grapples with the coronavirus (COVID-19), people are practicing social distancing and experiencing mandatory lockdowns in an effort to contain the spread of the disease. But while staying inside is meant to be for one’s protection, for those facing domestic violence, it’s anything but safe. Isolated from the people and resources that can…
Coronavirus: Social Distancing And Loneliness

Across the nation, people are practicing social distancing in an effort to help contain the global pandemic COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus. Businesses are asking their employees to work from home, colleges and universities are shifting to virtual classes, large events are cancelled, and the president is requesting that gatherings are limited to no…
How To Talk To Your Kids About The Coronavirus

With schools closing, big events canceled, and grocery carts full of toilet paper, your child undoubtedly has questions and concerns about what’s going on. No matter the age of your child, the coronavirus (COVID-19) can be a tough issue to talk about. It’s even difficult for adults to understand as we have just as many…